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Men Making a Difference

Sherry Lane steps

Our Mission Statement

To model the love of Christ by serving those in our community. We do this by addressing their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs thereby glorifying God and making a difference in their lives.

Preach the Gospel
at all times.
When necessary,
use words

Sometimes in life you need assitance with small tasks, but don’t know whom to call. We want you to know about a group of Christian men in the Holly Lake Ranch community called MMAD (Men Making A Difference).

We are committed to helping those who can no longer do the things they used to be able to do. If life has dealt you a physical challenge that limits you, we want to be there to help.

We have been blessed and want to be a blessing to others. Below are some of the services we offer:

  1. Yard cleanup (brush and limb cleanup.)
  2. Small trees trimmed, if not too high off ground.*
  3. Haul off debris.
  4. Light repair work, such as door hardware, dryer vents, holes in eaves (fascia & soffit).
  5. Change AC filters, smoke detector batteries, light bulbs in ceilings.*
  6. Specialty projects: Carpentry, plumbing, electrical.
    In all cases, we will assess and determine if the task is within our capability and mission. (*Limit to heights for our safety.)  We may have to refer task(s) others more qualified/capable.
If we can help, please complete the request form below,
OR you may contact Dennis at 713-305-5867 or
                or Richard at 214-578-3261 or

If you wish to join us, please sign-up via the link below.

"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.”
1 Peter 4:10

Click here to read our story and
what kinds of work will accept to do on request.
History and Guidelines

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